
lunes, 30 de junio de 2014


Villa Malaparte, Capri, Italy, Adalberto Libera :: 1937 © Francois Halard

viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

Una tela estructural que teje carpas de refugio para comunidades - Abeer Seikaly

Quise editarlo, pero no pude. TODO es interesante.
Ahí va completo. Y con las imágenes en tamaño original.

view of the tent structures (day)

Structural Fabric Weaves Tent Shelters into Communities
Human life throughout history has developed in alternating waves of migration and settlement. The movement of people across the earth led to the discovery of new territories as well as the creation of new communities among strangers forming towns, cities, and nations. Navigating this duality between exploration and settlement, movement and stillness is a fundamental essence of what it means to be human.
In the aftermath of global wars and natural disasters, the world has witnessed the displacement of millions of people across continents. Refugees seeking shelter from disasters carry from their homes what they can and resettle in unknown lands, often starting with nothing but a tent to call home. “Weaving a home” reexamines the traditional architectural concept of tent shelters by creating a technical, structural fabric that expands to enclose and contracts for mobility while providing the comforts of contemporary life (heat, running water, electricity, storage, etc.)
Design is supposed to give form to a gap in people’s needs. This lightweight, mobile, structural fabric could potentially close the gap between need and desire as people metaphorically weave their lives back together, physically weaving their built environment into a place both new and familiar, transient and rooted, private and connected. In this space, the refugees find a place to pause from their turbulent worlds, a place to weave the tapestry of their new lives. They weave their shelter into home.

view of the tent structures (night)

studies - cut & scored paper turns into a flexible/strechable pattern

study model showing movement of the system & its collapsibility

view of the tent structures opened (spring & summer)

view of the tent structures closed (autumn & winter)

interior view of the tent (open). double layer fabric/skin could be utilized for storage in the lower areas
supporting system (solar energy)
decentralized energy (nomadic)

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

Usos del suelo - USA

martes, 24 de junio de 2014

lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

Si los edificios hablaran - Wim Wenders

La imagen que acompaña a este comentario está sacada de la página web oficial de Wenders y son dibujos del propio director. En esa página también hay unas estupendas fotografías de Donata Wenders y el texto, escrito por Wim, copiado a continuación:
[traducido al español, más abajo]
If Buildings Could Talk...
... some of them would sound like Shakespeare.
Others would speak like the Financial Times,
yet others would praise God, or Allah.
Some would just whisper,
some would loudly sing their own praises,
while others would modestly mumble a few words
and really have nothing to say.
Some are plain dead and don’t speak anymore...
Buildings are like people, in fact.
Old and young, male and female,
ugly and beautiful, fat and skinny,
ambitious and lazy, rich and poor,
clinging to the past
or reaching out to the future.
Don’t get me wrong: this is not a metaphor.
Buildings DO speak to us!
They have messages. Of course.
Some really WANT a constant dialogue with us.
Some rather listen carefully first.
And you have probably noticed:
Some of them like us a lot, some less
and some not at all.
Buildings, like people, are subject to time
and exist in a three-dimensional world.
That’s why our film is in 3D.
It’s an invitation to wander around,
to experience and to listen, for once.
The building you will encounter
is a particularly gentle and friendly one,
made for learning, reading and communicating.
Its hills and valleys (yes, they exist in there)
are eager to welcome you,
to help, to be of service,
and to be, in the best sense of the word,
a meeting place.
(by Wim Wenders, July 2010)

photography by © Donata Wenders; from left: Wim Wenders, Ryue Nishizawa, Kazuyo Sejima

Si los edificios hablasen ...
... Algunos de ellos querían sonar como Shakespeare. 
Otros hablarían como el Financial Times, 
sin embargo, otros se alaba a Dios, o Allah. 
Algunos sólo susurrar, 
algunos dirían en voz alta cantar sus propias alabanzas, 
mientras que otros modestamente balbucear algunas palabras 
y realmente no tienen nada que decir. 
Algunas son sencillas muerto y no hablar nunca más ...
Los edificios son como las personas, de hecho. 
Viejos y jóvenes, hombres y mujeres, 
feo y hermoso, gordo y flaco, 
ambiciosa y perezosa, ricos y pobres, 
aferrarse al pasado 
o llegar a un futuro.
No me malinterpreten: esto no es una metáfora.
Edificios hablan a nosotros!
Tienen mensajes. . Por supuesto
Algunos realmente queremos un diálogo constante con nosotros.
Algunos prefieren escuchar cuidadosamente primero.
Y ustedes probablemente han notado:
Algunos de ellos como nosotros mucho, otros menos
y algunos no en todos.
Los edificios, como las personas, son sujetos al tiempo
y existen en un mundo tridimensional.
Es por eso que nuestra película es en 3D.
Es una invitación a pasear,
de experimentar y de escuchar, por una vez.
El edificio se encontrará
es particularmente suave y amable,
hecho para el aprendizaje, la lectura y la comunicación.
Sus colinas y valles (sí, existen en allí)
están dispuestos a darle la bienvenida,
para ayudar, para ser de servicio,
y para ser , en el mejor sentido de la palabra,
un lugar de encuentro.
(Por Wim Wenders, julio de 2010)

fotografía por el © Donata Wenders; desde la izquierda: Wim Wenders, Ryue Nishizawa, Kazuyo Sejima